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News & Events

  • 2023-06-16
    Optimix warmly welcome the Zhuhai Jinwan Association of Women Entrepreneurs
    A delegation from the Zhuhai Jinwan Association of Women Entrepreneurs visited the Optimix's Eco-friendly Building Materials Production Base in Zhuhai in mid-June. In addition to visiting the factory equipment and environmental protection measures, a health seminar was also organized, emphasizing the importance of establishing good habits to maintain work efficiency.   Ms. Ivy He, General Manager of Optimix (Guangdong) Ltd. and Vice-President of the Zhuhai Jinwan Association of Women Entrepreneurs, warmly welcomed the participants and guided a tour of the company exhibition hall, "Industry 4.0" facilities, and automated manufacturing area. Subsequently, through the tour and watching the corporate video, the members gained insights into Optimix's development history, core business, cultural philosophy and goals. The participants expressed their appreciation for Optimix's efforts and contributions towards achieving the goal of "carbon neutrality".   Mr. Ben Cheung, the General Manager of the Zhuhai production base, also delivered a welcome speech, and later, Mr. Lu Gaobin, the Deputy General Manager of ICBC Private Banking, shared business case with the participants.   We were delighted to have Ms. Wang Rufeng, Senior Consultant of the Jinwan Shengkangyuan Chinese-Western Integrated Clinic, to host the seminar. Through case sharing, she provided detailed explanations on common health issues among women, reminding everyone of the importance of precautionary measures and regular body check.   In the future, Optimix will continue to maintain close communications with the Zhuhai Jinwan Association of Women Entrepreneurs in various aspects such as business exchange and promoting the women entrepreneurs development.
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  • 2023-06-11
    Optimix Awarded Certificate of Appreciation for “The 2nd Hong Kong Construction Skills Competition” Sponsorship
    The CEO of Optimix, Mr. Calvin Chan, attended the commendation ceremony of “The 2nd Hong Kong Construction Skills Competition” organized by the Construction Industry Council. He was presented with a certificate of appreciation to acknowledge our sponsorship and contribution to the event in nurturing new talents in the industry. Optimix has always been actively encouraging young people to join the construction industry and elevating the overall technical standards of the industry. Over the years, we have been steadfast in supporting various types of skills competition activities to unearth talents in the industry. This year, Optimix continued its strong support for the competition by providing OPTIMIX F12 MASONRY MORTAR for the bricklaying contest. We look forward to furthering our efforts in the coming year and continuing to rally together for the betterment of the industry.
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  • 2023-04-26
    Construction Industry Council Delegation Visited Optimix's Eco-friendly Building Materials Production Base in Zhuhai
    26 April 2023 - Optimix welcomed the Greater Bay Area High Efficiency Building Delegation led by Ir Thomas Ho, Chairman of CIC and Ir Albert Cheng, Executive Director of CIC.   It was their first visit to our new production base for eco-friendly building materials located in Jinwan District, Zhuhai. Both sides engaged in in-depth communication and exchanged ideas on how to promote high-efficiency building through sustainable building materials.   During the visit, we took the opportunity to introduce the delegation to Optimix's industry 4.0 facilities at Zhuhai site, as well as our implementations in production, recycling, and energy conservation. We also shared how we reduce the product carbon footprint through our 'Carbon Neutrality Trio' model, and how we commit to the country’s carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals. These presentations left a deep impression to the delegation.   In the future, Optimix will keep close communication with the CIC, and deepen cooperation with the construction industry through continuous investment and sharing experiences.
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  • 2023-04-23
    Optimix Once Again Supports The Hong Kong Construction Skills Competition
    Optimix has always believed nurturing young talent in the construction industry is an essential element for industry’s development. By passing on technical skills to the new generation and helping them to achieve skill enhancements, it would support a sustainable talent development.   We were honored to sponsor the Hong Kong Construction Skills Competition organized by the Construction Industry Council for the second consecutive year. We provided OPTIMIX F12 MASONRY MORTAR for the bricklaying competition in the youth group - F12 is our signature product for bricklaying, flooring and plastering works which efficiently replaces traditional on-site batching mortars with significant quality improvement. Moreover, this product is widely used in the Hong Kong Construction Industry Trade Testing Centres.   The competition aims to gather and recognize talents with excellent technical skills in various trades, and as well as discover and nurture emerging talents. Let’s revisit the highlights of the day and witness how construction industry elites showcased their skills with F12.
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  • 2023-03-14
    Awarded “Caring Company” title for 4 consecutive years, a recognition of Optimix's CSR practices
    Optimix has always been committed to the practice of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), actively participating in various public welfare activities and contributing to society. We are honored to receive the "Caring Company " title for the fourth consecutive years, which recognizes our contributions to society.   Our corporate social responsibility and citizenship activities cover various areas, including environmental protection, public welfare and charity, social assistance, employee care, and more. We have always focused on vulnerable groups and communities, providing them with help through the distribution of masks during anti-epidemic care campaigns, participation in coastal cleanup days, and volunteer visits. We aim to help those in need to feel the care and warmth of the construction industry.   Behind these CSR practices is our high attention and firm commitment to corporate social responsibility. We believe that in order for a company to achieve long-term and healthy development, in addition to pursuing economic benefits, Optimix must also assume its due responsibility to society and the environment and make its own contributions to society.   Finally, we would like to thank our customers, partners, and members of the community for their support and trust in our company. We look forward to working together with everyone to create a better future for society.
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