OPTIMIX (Hong Kong) Participated in November Industry Events
OPTIMIX has been engaging in various construction industry events, to educate and assist industry members with our expertise and ability. This month, OPTIMIX joined 2 industry events - Hong Kong Construction Materials Association (HKCMA) Annual Dinner and HKCA Young Member Society (HKCAYMS) x Lifewire Carnival sponsorship.
Held on 13th December, Mr. Paul Chan, Financial Secretary, was a Guest of Honour of HKCMA Annual Dinner. During that night, representatives from over 20 construction materials companies, logistics companies, and constructions companies were assembled.
A week later, HKCAYMS x Lifewire Carnival was organized on 18th November, with Mr. Liu Chun San, Under Secretary for Development as the guest of honor of the event. OPTIMIX supported the carnival physically by donation of company premiums as gifts of the game booths. By such, OPTIMIX (Hong Kong) wish to accompany HKCAYMS and Lifewire in spreading their mission to general public of construction industry professionalism and raising people’s awareness in rare diseases.